Jupiter Cheat Sheet ~ 29 Aug 2017

Soon Mercury goes direct in Leo and prepares for a do-over in the early degrees of Virgo, it’s time to shake out mental cobwebs, find all the notes and scraps of paper scattered about upon which trigger thoughts have been jotted, and its time to review if you believe what you espouse, and if those beliefs serve your purposes.

This next month Jupiter forms three critical aspects to non classical planets. With Jupiter transits a philosophical review, goal assessment and refreshed road map of life serve the aspirations one holds, whether conscious objectives or unconscious objectives. That said, perhaps a bit of a cheat sheet for the month is in order given Jupiter’s involvement with outer planets.

Cheat sheet does not imply one should attempt to rig the game against Jupiter. He is in fact the lord of the lords and his desires rule. All classical planets are known to respond to his wishes. In fact, even Eris and with mayhem manipulating moments, was subject to Jupiter’s arbitration and rulings, despite the fact that Jupiter handed off critical judgments.

So let’s evaluate some of September’s biggest Jupiter moments.

Jupiter conjunct Haumea on 7 September

Munch on some macadamia nuts or drink some coconut water while documenting all those creative blips, nuggets and insights you’ve been ignoring. Set a time to commence work on further developing those ideas, and define projected completion dates. Jupiter loves goals, and more, those who achieve them.

Work to locate the naysaying voices in your head. Do they belong to you? Are they your third grade teacher telling you what color the sky should be? Could they be parental? Whatever the source, dismiss the voice, granting it leave, thanking it, and noting the voice’s input is no longer needed.

Revisit interactions with those participating in your greatest plans. Reset objectives within yourself and reaffirm alignment with others traveling with you on the path. Should alignment cease, adjust the relationship(s) while “no harm, no foul” conditions still apply. If alignment remains, assign tasks and charge to all parties and get rocking.

Jupiter opposite Eris on 9 September

How’s the revolution going? If you signed on for being part of the sanctioned outsiders revolution, can you live with the “unprecedented” manifestations reported on a daily basis? Is it time to reset the agenda to create change from within to without or is the radical, tear down everything still going good? Has the revolution made you feel more like you’re fitting in? If not, assess where and why you do not feel like you’re part of the ground swell movement. Most important, carefully treat chaos and work the amalgam of the transits to replicate divine order.

What makes you the fairest creature on the planet in your own mind? Eris is in Aries and as such, it’s no sin to think of yourself in optimal terms and with a refreshed optimism and confidence. When you find it, flaunt it. Feathers in caps and pats on the back do a soul good.

What do you value? Where does your attention naturally drift? What shiny objects do you covet in life? What are your material standards? All these questions want answers and seek to assist you in creating and manifesting a new portfolio for your participation in the real, mundane world and acquiring all life’s necessities and more should you remain receptive to abundance.

Jupiter opposite Uranus on 27 September

Step one, remember there are always steps that need to be taken in sequential order while applying the influence of Uranus.

Step two, treat everyone assembled as brethren... or at least comrades in consciousness, brothers in the campaigns and battles to illuminate the world.

Step three, remember, change cannot be forced, and if one feels forced, resistance is the natural reflex. Work on rebranding the end game. Why is what you seek to put in place superior to what exists? How will it be that at “the end of the day” those implementing your ideas, following your lead, reading your book, watching your movie, or purchasing your product will be better for doing so. Answers to these questions and considerations go a long way in mapping successful strategies.

Step four, remember, there is no such thing as overnight success. All that stuff about people blasting of out of the blue in a blaze of sudden success typically have been working on it for years. There’s that ten thousand-hour rule of mastery that floats out there. Once a person has five years of pretty much full time application of the basics of a craft or talent, an unconscious confidence rises, moving the person above the invisibility threshold. While beginners despise this concept, those who want to follow an iconic figure do expect the icon to be wise, experienced and able to deal with shifting priorities in complicated situations and while functioning with equal consciousness and effectiveness on multiple fronts.

It’s a significant Jupiter month. True, there is no cheating. There is the crib sheet to remind us to clarify beliefs, principles, goals, aspirations and doctrines. With clarification, the ability to proceed in confidence that every action taken is done with purpose that rings as truth to ones consciousness.

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